Terms and Conditions


In order to maintain a healthy, safe and enjoyable environment for all Titan Basketball Club participants (Coaches, Team Managers, Players, Parents and Spectators), the club has adopted the Basketball Victoria Code of Conduct that gives all participants a guide on how the club expects them to behave. 

In order to register with the Titans Basketball Club, all participants are expected to read and accept the Basketball Victoria Code of Conduct (relevant to their role) every WCBA, EDJBA & DVJBA season. 

At a Saturday game, if a WCBA, EDJBA & DVJBA Stadium Supervisor believes that a participant has breached the Code of Conduct, that participant may be asked to leave the stadium or be reported to a tribunal. 

Please click on the following link to view the BASKETBALL VICTORIA CODE OF CONDUCT.  


The policy of the TITANS Basketball Club is:  

(1)Players will register and play in teams according to their age group. Under special circumstances at the Coaching committee’s discretion, players may play in an older age group. From time to time a child may be required to play in another age group to ensure that a walkover is avoided. In this case parental permission is required before commencement of the game. The basketball team manager is advised, where practical, prior to the commencement of the game.  

(2)Players who attend training during the week prior to a game and are in attendance within the time nominated by the Coach on match day will be first selected.  

There will be exceptions to this in the following cases:  

(a) If due to illness and coach/team manager is advised accordingly;  

(b) If a player is unable to train or be on time on match day and the coach/team manager is advised;  

(3) Where players adhere to (Point 2) above it is the intention of the Club for each player to receive an allocated amount of game time each week as deemed by the coach.  

(4) The Team Manager/Coach will advise all players parents either by phone message or in person at training (when applicable) prior to the game that week, as to the venue, starting time, etc.   

(5) The Team Manager will be responsible for organising parents on a rotational basis for the score bench each week (it is a requirement of Titans Basketball that parents ease the load and score according to their rostered day).  

(6) If players do not train in a satisfactory manner, or disobey instructions at training constantly, they will either not be selected or have their court time affected for match day (this will be decided upon by the coach in consultation with the executive or coaching committee). Undisciplined actions at matches will be dealt with by the Coach or if further action is warranted, by the Coaching Committee/Executive Committee (consisting of President, Vice President, Secretary & Treasurer). Committee will notify parent, legal guardian or adult player of actions taken. It is also the parents responsibility to ensure that either the team manager/coach is notified if the player is absent from training or games.  If no notification is given then game time will be affected as deemed necessary by the coach. 

(7) Titans Basketball will endeavour, where appropriate, to field competitive teams where two or more teams are entered in the same age group. The Committee is empowered to alter the composition of the teams when it considers it appropriate, prior to the season commencing.   

(8) All Teams 

Where a team reaches a final series all players are eligible to participate in the series, if they played the required amount of games during the season. No minimum court time is assured. Each coach may determine minimum court time for each team in the finals as it is deemed necessary. If players frequently miss training then court time will be affected during finals. 


To become part of Titans Basketball a player must be:  

(a) A registered player with the Titans Basketball Club  

(b) Of correct Age in the year of competition.  

(c) Must be committed to attend training (any absences must be communicated to the coach/team manager in order to play in the upcoming week). 

In addition the following matters will be taken into account: 


In consideration of our acceptance of your child(s) in a Titans team you agree to indemnify committee members of the Titans Basketball Club from and against any claim for damages which may arise from their participation in any activity or function connected with the team preparation, training or game schedule.  

You further authorise committee members of the Titans Basketball Club or official of the Titans Basketball Club that, in the event of any accident or illness and after exhausting all reasonable attempts to contact a parent/guardian, to obtain all necessary medical assistance and hospital accommodation as is appropriate. In the event that your child requires operative treatment, you authorise us (Titans) to sign any release forms on your behalf acting on proper medical advice.  

You hereby agree to indemnify us (Titans) against all such Doctors fees, Ambulance fees, Hospital accommodation and any other associated expenses which may arise from the provision of medical treatment and you further agree to indemnify us (Titans) against any claims which may be brought as a result of the provision of that treatment.  


You warrant that your child will behave in a reasonable and appropriate manner whilst under the care and control of the Titans Basketball Club and you acknowledge that in the event that your child does not behave in such a manner then the child may at our absolute discretion be withdrawn from the team.  

You further acknowledge and accept that the following associations (WCBA, EDJBA, DVJBA) & Titans Basketball may at its absolute discretion thereafter ban or suspend the child from further competitions for such a period of time as it in its absolute discretion may deem appropriate.  

You agree to accept the decision of Titans Basketball Club as final.  

Part 1 (Legal Guardian)  

You have read ‘Basketball Victoria Codes of Conduct for Coaches, Players and Parents’ and accept the general rules & regulations of the Titans Basketball Club. You understand the time and costs associated with playing basketball with the Titans Basketball Club.  

You also agree and accept the disciplinary statement and indemnity statement as laid out above. Your child understands and agrees to meet the above listed rules and regulations.  

Part 2 (Player)  

You wish to request a position with the Titans Basketball Club and understand the level of commitment required to your team and the club.  

This sporting commitment to Titans Basketball will be your priority for a full season and will take precedence over clashes of games if your child plays in another association.  If it is continually occurring that other clubs take precedence then your place in a Titans team will be affected and your child may be removed from the team. 

You have read ‘Basketball Victoria Codes of Conduct for Coaches, Players and Parents and accept the general rules & regulations of the Titans Basketball Club as laid out above. You also agree and accept the disciplinary statement and indemnity statement as laid above.    

Titans Basketball Club Inc.